Thursday, April 28, 2011


My dear friend Rachel got married in Washington last month and asked if I could take some family pictures the day before the wedding. She has a sweet family and I'm so glad I was able to make it to her wedding!


This little girl steals my heart.  She LOVES the camera and the camera LOVES her!

3 Sweet Girls


Victoria was super camera-shy, but once relaxed, she became an instant model and I became "shutter happy" and ended up with TONS of pictures!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sweet Lizzy

Sweet little Lizzy is always fun to photograph!  I've been taking pictures of her since she was in the hospital as a newborn... and she's not even my baby!  She has the cutest smile, big beautiful eyes and has such a fun personality!  She is the epitome of a "daddy's little girl"!